ISOBUS functionalities are by now as manifold as the agricultural practice. The AEF-Database aims to make transparent for customers both compatibility and feature scope of tractor/implement combinations. Already today, for many customers this information is the deciding factor for making a purchase. The AEF certificate is the basis for featuring your device in the AEF-Database. Do not hesitate any longer - on behalf of and audited by the AEF the ISOBUS Test Center is your competent and independant partner for the certification of ISOBUS equipment.

Our Team

Sven Mindrup

Lab Manager
Test Engineer
Tel.: +49 541 5079 8042

Tobias Müller

Test Engineer
Tel.: +49 541 5079 8041

Timur Dzinaj

Back Office
Tel.: +49 541 5079 8011


We are an accredited test laboratory of the AEF and a Trusted Certification Partner of DKE-Data GmbH & Co. KG. Your competent contact for AEF ISOBUS certification and agrirouter certification.

  • Consulting

    Let our ISOBUS experts accompany you from the early stages of your development process onward. Regarding the Hardware sector we can help to prevent long and cost-intensive re-designs. Software developers may benefit from our expertise to implement ISOBUS compatible machine software. Detailed test reporting and useful hints help you to achieve the AEF-Certification without detours or delays.

  • AEF-Certification

    We test hard- and software according to AEF guidelines for compatibility with the ISOBUS standard. All occuring errors and deviations from the standard are explained in detail and we help in finding a solution. The certification is performed in our modern laboratories or directly on-site – at a fair price!

  • agrirouter-Certification

    We test telemetry units for conformity with the agrirouter in accordance with the DKE specifications. In this way, we ensure that the agrirouter protocol has been successfully implemented and that the unit communicates with the agrirouter. The test must be carried out every time the capabilities of the telemetry box are changed, either at the ITC or, if you prefer, at your premises.

All services offered are rendered in full by ITC, i.e. tests will not be subcontracted. Hardware tests are performed on basis of ISO11783-2 Physical Layer:2019, as modified and/or complemented by the requirements of the AEF CT Protocol ISO11783-02 ECU 2.0 v2.6. The current guidelines for agrirouter tests can be requested from DKE GmbH.

Keep informed

Our newsletter keeps you up to date on the latest developments in AEF conformance testing and about the ISOBUS Test Center. Subscribe here:


„„The aim of the AEF Conformance Test is a clear description of the effctiveness of a manufacturer-independant ISOBUS system and increaseed operational reliability for the farmer.““

– AEF –

AEF Conformance test

5 steps to an AEF-certificate…

You can request the AEF conformance test in the AEF-Database at the URL The database requires for your device an SUT description created with the SUT Description Tool. If you have any questions regarding the SUT description we are pleased to offer our help.

Finalise your software by adding the necessary diagnostic data which you receive when requesting an AEF conformance test.

We provide several possibilities to perform a test. Choose the option best suited to your needs:

  • The test is performed in your presence at the Test Center. In case minor errors occur you can analyze and fix them on-the-fly.
  • You can send in your device. In a preparatory talk we obtain necessary additional information. We guarantee 100% confidential handling of both your device and your data.
  • We can perform the conformance test on-site and will bring all necessary test equipment.

After you choose one of the above options and make an appointment with us, testing can commence.

We perform the hard- and software tests of your choice and upon success make the test results available in the AEF-Database.
You will receive a detailled test report from the ISOBUS Test Center and an official AEF certificate for download from the AEF-Database.

You may now activate the test result in the AEF-Database. Your certified equipment is then immediately visible to all users of the AEF-Database, i.e. to manufacturers, dealers and – above all – to your customers!

AEF certification in moving pictures…

Our expertise

On behalf of the AEF we have been offering our services since 2013.
Technical expertise, flexibility, customer focus and reliability are our strength.
Leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery are our customers.


years of experience


performed tests


content customers



Our customers are well-known agricultural machinery manufacturers from all over the world.

Price list / excerpt

An AEF Conformance Test will consist of the 3 following parts:

Frequently selected packages

Package 1:

UT Client, AUX-N Function, TC-BAS Client, TC-SC Client

Consisting of:

  • 4h software test
  • certificate UT-Client
  • certificate AUX-N Function
  • certificate TC-BAS-Client
  • certificate TC-SC-Client
  • service fee

Total 1610,00 €

Package 2:


Consisting of:

  • 3h testing of physical layer
  • service fee

Total 1125,00 €

Package 3:

Self certification

Consisting of:

  • Check test result
  • Release in AEF database

Total 500,00 €


ISOBUS Test Center

LOK 20
Hamburger Straße 24
49084 Osnabrück

Phone: +49 541 5079 8040

Fax: +49 541 5079 8099
